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Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024: Universities are urged by UGC to set up live streaming

UGC requests that colleges air PM Modi's highly anticipated PPC 2024 program, which is slated on January 29, 2024; more information is available here.

Gear Up for Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024: Live Streaming Takes Center Stage in Universities

Calling all universities! The much-awaited Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024 is just around the corner, and this year, the University Grants Commission (UGC) is urging you to be a part of the action. Get ready to set up live streaming facilities and bring the Prime Minister’s insightful interaction with students right to your campuses!

This isn’t just about watching a speech; it’s about creating a vibrant atmosphere of exam preparation and motivation. Imagine hundreds of your students, huddled together, faces lit by the screen, soaking up the PM’s words of wisdom and guidance. The energy will be electric, the camaraderie palpable.

Think of it as a front-row seat to a masterclass in exam strategy. The PM’s unique blend of humor, empathy, and practical advice has resonated with students year after year. This year, with live streaming, no one misses out. Students in remote areas, those with disabilities, or simply those unable to travel – everyone gets a chance to be part of this national dialogue on exam stress and success.

But it’s not just about the students. This is an opportunity for universities to showcase their commitment to student well-being. Setting up live streaming facilities demonstrates your proactive approach to mental health and academic support. It shows your students that you care, that you’re invested in their success, and that you’re willing to go the extra mile to create a positive learning environment.

So, universities, don’t miss out on this chance to be a part of something special. The UGC has made it easy, providing guidelines and resources to help you set up the live streaming. Get your IT teams on board, identify suitable viewing spaces, and spread the word among your students. Let’s make Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024 a nationwide phenomenon, a celebration of learning, and a testament to the power of collective support.

Remember, this isn’t just about technology; it’s about creating a community. Let’s come together, universities, students, and the Prime Minister, to turn exam season into a time of excitement, encouragement, and, ultimately, success. Gear up, get streaming, and let the Pariksha Pe Charcha begin!

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